A humongous cat just found a home, and hopefully it's a big one!
Patches the cat was caged at the Richmond Animal Care and Control Center in Virginia, dreaming of adoption but apparently with little hope.

The zoftig creature was actually a hit at the shelter ... folks there loved his belly. That said, there was no room for body positivity, because it just wasn't healthy, so Patches went on a diet and exercise regimen.
A local saw pics of Patches and that was it ... she loved the cat and the cat was super into her, so Patches can now destroy living room furniture in a loving home.

BTW ... not the biggest cat on record. Himmy tipped the scales back in 1986 at 46 lbs.
Interestingly ... in '98, Guinness 86'd the record for fattest cat ... to stop owners from overfeeding the felines for the sake of getting in the record books.
I still can't get over Patches, a 42 pound cat in Richmond, Virginia.
The full story here: https://t.co/1LNqbCmOtt pic.twitter.com/g4GAkxErBh
— Jacob Sexton (@_JacobSexton) April 21, 2023 @_JacobSextonShort story ... Patches is feline fine!
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