When Angelina Jolie proudly thrust her leg out onstage at the Academy Awards this year, her lower limb galvanized the telecast, inspired a meme (screenplay winner Jim Rash was quick to copy her), and somehow, won all the Oscars. (It was sad when Angelina Jolie’s leg took that Academy Award away from a deserving Viola Davis, but there’s nothing we can do about that anymore.) The woman attached to the appendage, however, appears unaware of the revolution her leg caused at home, in the Kodak Theater, and in District 11. “I honestly didn’t pay attention to it,” Jolie told the Huffington Post. “I don’t watch those TV shows and if I go online and see something about myself, I don’t click on it. And the people I surround myself with don’t really talk about that kind of stuff. I heard something, but I didn’t pay any attention.” So there was no master plan? “It’s as simple as a being a woman picking a dress you like and having a night, and not really thinking about anything else,” said Jolie, who then leaned forward and seductively purred, “LEG.” (We’re guessing.)
HuffPo Angelina Jolie Discusses Her LegncG1vNJzZmivp6x7t8HLrayrnV6YvK57kWloa2dgaHyiusaeo6KmkWK3sLjInmSdoaOYwrS%2FxKxkoZ2iYrmms42hq6ak