There’s magic in the air when the second full moon this month lights up the skies on Thursday 31 August (specifically at around 2.35am). A double full moon month is rare, which is why it’s called a blue moon (not because it’ll appear blue in the sky unfortunately!), and this one just so happens to be a super moon, which means it’ll appear bigger and brighter than usual. Cross your fingers for clear skies so you can get out there and do some moon-bathing and a mini full moon ritual while you’re at it.
Astrologically this full moon falls in the sign of Pisces, a mystical water sign associated with hopes, dreams, healing and closure. We all know full moons can feel intense (it’s often a time when goals come to fruition or issues come to a head) but it’s also the ideal time to let go of anything that’s holding you back from living your best life. And a blue super moon in Pisces, a sign that represents intuition, spirituality and the very best kind of endings (ones that become amazing new beginnings), might just be the ultimate kick-it-to-the-kerb moment.
Try writing down whatever (or whoever) it is you wish to let go of on a piece of paper and burning it to ash on the night of the full moon. Sleep better knowing you’re one step closer to closure, starting afresh and stepping into the best version of you yet.
Collectively there’s a healing vibe to this full moon but every sign will experience it differently depending on the astrological house that’s being illuminated for them.
Discover what themes might be rising up for your sign (read for your rising sign if you know it) and the question you should be asking yourself right now in this adapted extract from Glamour’s astrologer Emma Howarth’s new book The Astrology Almanac, available to pre order now.
Discover the healing focus for your sign this full moonLEO
Discovering a secret, facing the truth, allowing yourself to fall in lust, becoming brave enough to live outside the rules, finding a true passion or focus in life, letting go of an old version of yourself as you get ready to transform.
Ask yourself: What is distracting me from the truth right now?
Becoming a better partner (in love, work or friendship), getting your priorities straight, making new connections, deciding to commit to someone you love, letting go of a past hurt that’s been holding you back for too long.
Ask yourself: Am I doing this for me or them?
Putting your health first, asking for help, working on yourself, recommitting to a project, releasing an old way of doing things, changing your ways, letting go of a vice or unhealthy habit that’s no longer serving you.
Ask yourself: What will be different this time?
Rediscovering your flirtatious side, learning to step into the spotlight, ditching the self-sabotage, celebrating life, spending time with children or young people, getting creative, letting go of negativity and seeking joy.
Ask yourself: How can I allow myself to shine?
Realizing who you can count on, creating your own version of family, feeling overwhelmed, moving house or switching up your living situation, investing in the future, spending time with a mother figure, letting go of a tricky attachment to a place or person.
Ask yourself: What is stopping me from enjoying life?
Sharing a story that makes a difference, speaking up for someone who needs you, writing or speaking about your life or work, talking something through, finding your power, letting go of the fear of speaking your truth.
Ask yourself: How can I be true to myself?
Increasing your bank balance, signing a big deal, accepting a pay rise, feeling valued, investing in yourself or others, feeling free, letting go of old ideas about who you are and what you’re worth.
Ask yourself: How can I invest in myself even more?
Starting over, quitting the self-sabotage, knowing your worth, letting yourself be known for who you really are, feeling strong, changing your life, releasing an old version of yourself as you recover from a tricky time and step in to your power.
Ask yourself: What do I need to truly embrace my success?
Discovering an important truth, discovering the power of your own intuition, feeling ready to move on from your past, committing to a spiritual or healing practice, booking a retreat, letting go of something or someone who no longer has a place in your life.
Ask yourself: Could forgiving someone help me move on?
Realizing where you fit in with a group of friends or colleagues, wanting to find your people, knowing who you want to spend more time with, making important new connections at work, letting go of a friendship that is too one-sided for you.
Ask Yourself: Who makes me feel most free to be myself?
Dreaming bigger than ever, redefining what success means to you, understanding what your next big goal is, working out what it is you need to do to get there, letting go of anything that might hold you back.
Ask yourself: Who says my wildest dreams can’t come true (and how can I learn to ignore them!)?
Feeling at home somewhere new, wanting to explore the world, learning new
things, being honest with yourself and others, dreaming of travel, letting go of something that’s felt too restrictive and rigid for you.
Ask yourself: How can I make my life feel bigger and better?
The Astrology Almanac 2024 by Emma Howarth is published by Leaping Hare Press (release date 7 September 2023) and available to pre-order now.