Big Brother 24 ended with a big sweep. Taylor Hale won with eight votes and one vote for Monte Taylor. The third place houseguest revealed when the jury decided to vote for her.
[SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers ahead for the Big Brother 24 finale.]
What the ‘Big Brother 24’ jury said at the jury roundtable

Dr. Will Kirby once again hosted the jury roundtable this year. Houseguests didn’t hold back in their discussion about the finalists after Brittany Hoopes joined them.
His first question was why Matt “Turner” Turner should win. The jurors laughed before answering. Joseph Abdin mentioned Turner always had a team with him this season.
“I think there’s a difference here,” Joseph said. “The difference between Taylor and Turner is there’s strategy behind Taylor’s moves. She’s not letting someone else pilot it when she does need to shift her gameplay. She’s strategizing what’s going to be best for her. Where Turner is just attaching to someone and moving behind their shadow.”
Jasmine Davis said Taylor’s biggest move was being on the block multiple times and not going home. Michael Bruner mentioned Taylor could’ve been rude to people for how she was treated, but she responded with love and kindness. He also talked about her getting other houseguests to do her dirty work. Michael pointed out that evicting certain people was better for Taylor’s game and not his.
Turner reveals when the ‘Big Brother 24’ jury picked Taylor to win
Turner talked about his vote with the Winner’s Circle with Derrick Levasseur and Cody Calafiore. He revealed what happened when the show stopped filming.
“So that jury roundtable, it seems like when they–was when they all decided that. Obviously, I was not a part of,” Turner revealed. “But I, when the commercial break, I was like ‘Where are you guys voting?’ They were like, ‘I don’t know if we could tell you.’ So I was like, ‘Oh my god, great.’”
“So I voted to not be on the wrong side of the vote, so I was not a bitter jury member, and I did the exact opposite thing that I should’ve,” he continued. “And was like I did vote against Taylor. I just didn’t want to be on the wrong side of the vote and look where I ended up.”
Turner explained why he thought Monte had it in the bag. “I thought it would be Monte because I was like in other seasons, it seems like the person who wins is the one who won the most comps, and a lot of people love Monte,” he said. “So I was like, ‘I don’t know, it just makes sense.’ And I’m not even mad at Monte. I don’t really like I– he did what he thought he had to do. I can’t be mad at him.”
Turner repeated during the commercial break he heard the jury decided how they’ll vote at the roundtable. So it looks like Taylor won even before her moving speech.