Floyd Mayweather is arguably one of the best boxers in the sport. The former multi-weight champion also enjoyed a lavish lifestyle throughout his career. As a result, the superstar boxer always ensured he had enough security around him. This was a decision that attracted a lot of attention over the years.
The former multi-weight world champion never moved around without his team of bodyguards. So after his bust-up with Jake Paul, we look at his security team, see what we know about them, and find out what it takes to become a bodyguard for one of the best boxers ever.

The 50-0 boxer has previously dismissed the title bodyguards. Instead, he has claimed that he has security. His security team comprises several well-equipped personnel, who form ‘The Money Team.’ Thus, one will always see his security team wearing ‘TMT’ merchandise.
Some of the known members of ‘The Money Team’ include Alfonso Redic, Adam Plant, Pat Walsh, and Donald Monks. Furthermore, Greg La Rosa and ‘Badou’ are two others who have gained popularity over the years. However, many others, about whom we don’t have any information, are also a part of the team
Despite Mayweather being only 5’8”, his bodyguards are towering figures. Redic stands at 7’1”, Plant stands at 6’7”, ‘Badou’ at 6’9”, and the smallest of the lot, La Rosa, stands at 6’1”.
What does it take to be a bodyguard for Floyd Mayweather?
This information showed that Mayweather is particular about his security team and will not compromise. So what does it take to become a part of ‘The Money Team?’
Out of the many duties and requirements, the primary aim for Mayweather’s security team is to protect the cash. ‘Money Mayweather’ always travels with large amounts of money, and thus, his team has to be responsible enough to handle large amounts of cash.
In addition, his security guards need to be ready for conflict if the need arises. ‘TBE’ has some phrases which he uses to signal his team to step in, as seen in the press conference with Conor McGregor. Furthermore, the physical requirement is a big part of becoming a bodyguard for Mayweather. All the members of his security team have to be physically imposing and fit.
These responsibilities come with their benefits too. The superstar takes his security team with him on his travels. Furthermore, he also rewards them with lucrative salaries and bonuses. Therefore, given the detailed requirements and the generous rewards, it is no surprise that Mayweather has a loyal team of bodyguards around him.