12:23 PM PT -- Atlanta PD tells TMZ ... their officers actually ended up responding to two massive street gatherings this weekend, and it sounds like one of them was what we're seeing here on video.
UPDATEWe're told that cops responded to a noise complaint just before midnight Saturday, and found a large party had moved outside, where at least 100 people were gathered and parking violations were aplenty. The police started to disperse the crowd, and eventually started issuing tickets ... which we're told really got people moving and outta there.
UPDATECrazy enough, APD says a lot of those people from that block party went to another location -- and the cops then had to respond to that and break it up as well! Now, as for these speed racers in the clip Tigger posted -- APD wouldn't confirm if their officers specifically dealt with it ... but they do say cops DID intervene in what was described as a "gathering of vehicles and people," which the cops then proceeded to disperse too.
UPDATEWe're told officers saw a lot of people driving recklessly, and once they started directing traffic and doling out citations ... the group eventually began to leave accordingly. We might not have seen them on video, but yes ... the 5-0 was out there doing their thing.
UPDATE11:27 AM PT -- Chicago was not the only city to hit the streets and rage this weekend -- a lot of folks down in Atlanta did the exact same thing (with motorcycles and other whips to boot), which was all posted by BET's Big Tigger ... who was sorely disappointed in what he saw.
UPDATECheck out the video BT put up, showing a massive amount of people congregating outside at night to watch what sounds like a bunch of race cars, quads and dirt bikes do donuts and put on a good old-fashioned sideshow. Looks like a scene out of "The Fast & Furious."
UPDATEHe wrote of the scene, "Good Morning and Happy Sunday... this is alarming and disappointing on so many levels..." going on to say that we gotta do better together.
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