His arrest occurred roughly two weeks before the rapper was due to report for a two-year prison sentence for tax evasion for failing to pay $728,000 in taxes between 1999 and 2005—a stretch that Sigel's attorney was hoping his client will be able to serve concurrently with his time for the drug charge.
"Obviously, he's had an incredible amount of success and opportunity in his life. He's also made some mistakes, which have ended up putting him in custody. He's ready to go ahead and put that behind him and move on with is life," Sigel's attorney, Carson Morris, said in court at the time, per Delaware County's Daily Times.
"He has a lot of catching up to do," Morris added, "but he also has a lot of talent and a lot of opportunity, hopefully. So the prospect is that he can get out and move on and start doing something productive with his life."
—Reporting by Marcus Mulick