H.M.S. Defiant is a strong naval drama about the days of the Napoleonic wars, enhanced by the strong appeal of Alec Guinness, Dirk Bogarde and Anthony Quayle.
H.M.S. Defiant is a strong naval drama about the days of the Napoleonic wars, enhanced by the strong appeal of Alec Guinness, Dirk Bogarde and Anthony Quayle.
Based on Frank Tilsley’s novel, Mutiny, story is of the time of old press gangs. British navy conditions were appalling and it was the mutiny depicted in this pic which did much to give the British naval men a new deal. Guinness plays the skipper of the Defiant which, when it sets out to help tackle the Napoleonic fleet, is ruptured by a tussle for power between Guinness and his first lieutenant (Bogarde).
Guinness is a humane man, though a stern disciplinarian. Bogarde is a sadist, anxious to jockey Guinness out of position.
Below deck the crew, led by Quayle and Tom Bell, is plotting mutiny against the bad food, stinking living conditions and constant floggings ordered by Bogarde.
Guinness’ role does not give this actor scope for his fullest ability. Bogarde’s is the more showy portrayal. Quayle makes an impressive appearance as the leader of the rebels, determined and tough, but realizing that there is a right and a wrong way to stage a mutiny, like anything else.
H.M.S. Defiant