Transitioning from only child to big sister was tough for Piper Bee-Jones, 4½-year-old daughter of Daily Show correspondents Samantha Bee and Jason Jones.
Fortunately, she has been “much more welcoming” of new baby girl Ripley, 4 months, than she was of little brother Fletcher, 2½.
“Piper commands the attention she needs from us, so she’s not suffering,” Bee, 41, tells Working Mother.
“She likes being big sister. She feels she’s an important leader in the family.”
Ripley’s calm demeanor is something Bee attributes to a well-rested baby and mom. To that end, she says co-sleeping has been key, quipping, “I roll over like a sow and breastfeed in bed.”
“We’ve done this with all our kids,” Bee continues. “It’s worked for us because we’re not sleep deprived and have energy to go about our day.”
With two demanding jobs to contend with, the couple need all the energy they can get! Bee is quick to point out, however, that The Daily Show offers a “family-centric” work environment and that producers have been “super accommodating” of her growing brood.
“Recently Fletcher, our 2-year-old, started a preschool program and was having trouble separating,” she recalls. “Jason was able to spend the whole time with him.”
When work commitments keep both Bee and Jones away, the couple do rely on a babysitter four days a week. “We love and trust her, and our kids love her,” Bee says. “If she left, we’d die. We’re always thinking of ways to make her happier.”
“We also fly our families in from Canada to help out: my mom, my stepmom, Jason’s mom or sister. We definitely ask them for help, and they’re very willing,” she adds.