Because Conan O’Brien is a beautiful man — inside and out — he went to a traditional Korean spa with The Walking Dead’s Steven Yeun. The odd couple got naked, played in the water, had their flesh ripped off, and solicited friendships in saunas. In case you’ve ever wondered how Conan’s ginger citadel of hair fares in extreme conditions, it does very well; his skin, less so.
Steven Yeun and Conan Got Naked at a SpancG1vNJzZmivp6x7t8HLrayrnV6YvK57kWlobmdgZ3y0wMSvnKdlqZrCr3nAp5tmm5%2Bjrq95xqirZqaRoLKlecCtZJplo6Wub7TTpqM%3D