CM Punk may have changed the companies he works with or the type of combat sport he indulges in, but he’s been constant about one thing – his physique! The man is in SHAPE!
It takes a great deal of effort and dedication to stay in shape all the time. Anyone who wants to have an athlete’s physique needs to maintain a strict diet and training routine. This is exactly what Punk does.
CM Punk believes in mixing his workouts, but he truly enjoys a type of workout called “Prison Workouts”. These workouts involve a series of high intensity exercises which help in raising the heartbeat and improving metabolism, leading to long-term muscle gain and fat loss.
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Let’s break it down the CM Punk training routine
First, bodyweight workouts. Punk isn’t a preacher of only the iron, but the bodyweight too! Therefore, when he’s working out, he tries to actively put in bodyweight exercises such as hindu squats, push ups, pull ups, and others into the routine.
Second, lifting. The pro-wrestler likes to do compound exercises such as overhead press, deadlift, and others. However, he enjoys doing Olympic Lifts as well. These lifts include clean, snatch, and jerk. He finds these lifts challenging and incorporates them in his workout.
Third, cardio. Punk is a big believer in incorporating cardio into the workout. Therefore, he does the battle rope, runs, jiu jitsu, and others.

Finally, warm up. Well, this is actually the beginning of his routine. He focuses severely on ensuring he is warming up with stretches and mobility exercises. These mobility exercises help him with improving body flexibility and keeps him from injuring himself during the lifts.
His advice to the fans
CM Punk wants everyone to go to the gym for themselves and not to impress others.
Hence, he’s often preaching about the importance of focusing only on oneself when lifting weights. This is the best way to grow oneself and attain a ripped physique.

Moreover, he claims it’s best to mix the workouts with variations rather than sticking to only cardio or only lifting.
Keeping the workouts aside, AEW pro-wrestler Punk follows a diet which helps him hit his macros, and aligns with his goals!