Although he played three maniacal characters on television, WWE legend Mick Foley is a wonderful human. Aside from being a fan favourite and hardcore legend, Foley’s gestures add to his lovable persona. He recently revealed a gesture that’ll stay in fans’ hearts for a really long time.
Mick Foley reveals Mr. Rocko’s whereabouts
With A&E producing a series about recovering lost WWE memorabilia, the first episode focused on Mick Foley. Over the years, Foley’s gear has emerged in the most unthinkable places, including an episode of Pawn Stars. However, his A&E episode revolved around his Cactus Jack vest, the Mankind vest, and of course, Mr. Socko.
In the show, Foley found an incredibly rare Mr. Socko from Steve Morand at General Wrestling Collection. This sparked the question about a version of Mr. Socko called Mr. Rocko. The special edition of Foley’s sock originates from his iconic rivalry with fellow Attitude Era star The Rock.
After a fan on Twitter asked Foley if Mr. Rocko still existed, Foley gave a surprising yet heart-wrenching answer. He wrote, “Mr Rocko was on the hand of my good friend Malik when he was buried several years ago. Malik battled muscular dystrophy his entire life. And was a HUGE wrestling fan.”

Foley previously revealed the Mankind jacket was also buried with a fan from West Virgina. He wrote in another tweet, “The jacket I am wearing in this photo was buried with a young man in West Virginia who died of cancer. I am forever grateful that these gifts were a small source of comfort.”
The Rock ‘n’ Sock Connection
Mr. Rocko was born out of an iconic team formed during the Attitude Era. Despite one being an overwhelming fan favorite babyface and the other the top heel in the business, they had an extremely entertaining dynamic.
In 1999, Mankind pinned The Rock for the WWE Championship on an episode of Raw after Stone Cold Steve Austin smacked the People’s Champion on the head with a steel chair.
While their feud raged on, they began teaming up when faced with Undertaker and Big Show. They beat the colossal team with a double People’s Elbow.
The last match where The Rock and Foley teamed up came at WrestleMania XX. Foley and Randy Orton faced off multiple times, beginning at the 2004 Royal Rumble. This led to a match at WrestleMania, where The Rock returned to team with Foley against Batista, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton.

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